What is On The Set Global?
On The Set Global is the vital connection between film productions and property owners. We facilitate the process of searching film locations for scouts and listing your space for property owners.
What makes On The Set Global different from other listing sites?
Yes, we have simple online booking…but we are not just a platform. We have reps available to make it easy view a location at your convenience. Our locations are unique, expressive and in the right hands can add to your vision.
What is the pricing?
On The Set Global registration is free and there are no hidden fees.
When I register a location, how long does it take to be made public?
Your location will be made public within 48 hours if all the necessary information was submitted at time of registration.
Is it difficult to upload photos?
Photos can be uploaded within a click. You can also add text you want included with the photo. Photos can be arranged.
You can also have changes made after upload. The size should be no more than 15MB.
What kind of property can I list?
All types of properties are needed for filming such as homes, restaurants, bars, offices, parking lots, trailer homes. Depending on the creative, filming needs could span across numerous types of location needs.
What is the recommended specifications for listing photos?
Each photo should be a minimum of 700 x 850 resolution. File size: 1MB-15MB (jpeg or png).
Can I list my house even though I live in it?
Yes, locations can be vacant or occupied.
Do I need a photo of my property to list it as a film location?
Yes. Scouters need to view the location that fulfills their production needs. The more photos you upload, the easier and quicker the scout can assess if your property works.
Does the owner responsible for the permits for filming?
No. On The Set Global will ensure that any necessary permits are obtained by production prior to shooting.
How much does it cost to list my property on onthesetglobal.com?
It is totally FREE.
How much money can I make if my property is chosen?
Earnings can vary, but it can range from hundreds to thousands per day. Before your property is booked, you will be made aware of the rate prior to booking.
I have a special room or space in my property. Could I list that for filming or photography?
Yes. The more variety of spaces you offer, the better. Sometimes scouts see locations that they wouldn’t have regularly used that fit their needs perfectly.
Do I have to pay taxes on the money I make?
You will only pay taxes if you do 15 days or more of filming per year. Anything below 15 days you will not have to pay taxes on the money earned.
If I don’t receive any filming offers for my business, what other benefits do I receive?
Your business will receive exposure and awareness to potential clients and customers.